


CAREX Canada. Carcinogenicity of night shift work: Data gaps and research challenges (2020) [PDF]

  • Reviews available literature on the carcinogenicity of night shift work and identifies the main data gaps and challenges in this area of research

CAREX Canada. Setting an Occupational Exposure Limit for Diesel Engine Exhaust in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities (2019) [PDF]

  • Examines the regulatory landscape for occupational diesel engine exhaust exposure in Canada, identifies key barriers and facilitators to setting and complying with occupational exposure limits (OEL), and recommends an OEL to protect worker health

CAREX Canada. Indicators of exposure to known and suspected carcinogens in the environment: Data priorities and recommendations (2013) [PDF]

  • Outlines important data gaps in estimating the number of Canadians exposed to substances associated with cancer in community environments

CAREX Canada. Priority environmental carcinogens for surveillance in Canada: Preliminary priority list (2008) [PDF]

  • Summarizes the methods and results of our prioritization process for known and suspected environmental carcinogens

CAREX Canada. Priority occupational carcinogens for surveillance in Canada: Preliminary priority list (2008) [PDF]

  • Summarizes the methods and results of our prioritization process for known and suspected occupational carcinogens


Peer Reviewed Articles


Katende D, Rydz E, Quinn EK, Heer E, Shrestha R, Fazel SS, Peters CE. “Overrepresentation of New Workers in Jobs with Multiple Carcinogen Exposures in Canada.” Int J Environ Res Public Health 2024;21(8):1013. ​

Rydz E, Telfer J, Quinn EK, Fazel SS, Holmes E, Pennycook G, Peters CE. “Canadians’ knowledge of cancer risk factors and belief in cancer myths.” BMC Public Health 2024;24:329.


Peters CE, Quinn EK, Rodriguez-Villamizar LA, MacDonald H, & Villeneuve PJ. “Exposure to low-dose radiation in occupational settings and ischaemic heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Occup Environ Med 2023;80(12):706-714.

Cholowsky NL, Chen MJ, Selouani G, Pett SC, Pearson DD, Danforth JM, Rydz E, Diteljan MJ, Peters CE, Goodarzi AA. “Consequences of changing Canadian activity patterns since the COVID-19 pandemic include increased residential radon gas exposure for younger people.” Sci Rep 2023;13:5735.

Larsen K, Rydz E, Peters CE. “Inequalities in Environmental Cancer Risk and Carcinogen Exposures: A Scoping Review.” Int J Environ Res Public Health 2023;20(9):5718.

Fazel SS, Fenton S, Braun N, Forsman-Phillips L, Holness DL, Kalia S, Arrandale VH, Tenkate T, Peters CE. “Tailored sun safety messages for outdoor workers.” Saf Health Work 2023.

Slot N, Tenkate T, Forsman-Phillips L, Arrandale VH, Kalia S, Holness DL, Peters CE. “Barriers and Facilitators in the Creation of a Surveillance System for Solar Radiation-Induced Skin Cancers.” New Solut 2023.


Brobbey A, Rydz E, Fenton S, Demers PA, Ge CB, Peters CE. “Characterizing occupational radon exposure greater than 100 Bq/m3 in a highly exposed country.” Sci Rep 2022;12(1):21323.

Fenton S, Rydz E, Demers PA, Peters CE. “Prevalence and Level of Occupational Exposure to Asbestos in Canada in 2016.” Ann Work Expo Health 2022; wxac077.

Fenton S, Quinn EK, Rydz E, Heer E, Davies HW, Macpherson RA, McLeod CB, Koehoorn MW, Peters CE. “A media surveillance analysis of COVID-19 workplace outbreaks in Canada and the United States.” FACETS 2022; 7.

Sweet CM, Telfer JM, Palmer AL, Fazel SS, Peters CE. “Perspective: Young Workers at Higher Risk for Carcinogen Exposures.” Font Public Health 2022;10:869232.

Ziembicki S, Kirkham T, Demers PA, Peters CE, Gorman-Ng M, Davies HW, Tenkate T, Kalenge S, Blagrove N, Jardine K, Arrandale VH. “Diesel engine exhaust exposure in the Ontario civil infrastructure construction industry.” Ann Work Expo Health 2022;66(2):150-162.


Palmer AL, Wong-Francq K, Setton E. “Cancer and the Environment projects with four First Nations organizations: working together to address concerns about carcinogens in the environment.” Can J Public Health 2021.

Fazel SS, Keefe A, Shareef A, Palmer AL, Brenner DR, Nakashima L, Koehoorn MW, McLeod CB, Hall AL, Peters CE. “Barriers and facilitators for the safe handling of antineoplastic drugs.” J Oncol Pharm Pract 2021.

Cholowsky NL, Irvine JL, Simms JA, Pearson DD, Jacques WR, Peters CE, Goodarzi AA, Carlson LE. “The efficacy of public health information for encouraging radon gas awareness and testing varies by audience age, sex and profession.” Sci Rep 2021;11(1):11906. 

Shergill S, Forsman-Phillips L, Nicol A. “Radon in Schools: A Review of Radon Testing Efforts in Canadian Schools.” Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021;18(10):5469.

Fazel SS, Szarka S, Quinn EK, Ford-Sahibzada C, Peters CE. “Sunscreen posts on Twitter in the United States and Canada, 2019: A Content Analysis.”  JMIR Dermatol 2021;4(2):e29723.

Simms JA, Pearson DD, Cholowsky NL, Irvine JL, Nielsen ME, Jacques WR, Taron JM, Peters CE, Carlson LE, Goodarzi AA. 2021. “Younger North Americans are exposed to more radon gas due to occupancy biases within the residential built environment.” Sci Rep; 2021;11(1):6724.

Quinn EK, Fazel SS, Ford-Sahibzada C, McWhirter JE, Peters CE. 2021. Sunscreen and associated risk in the news: A content analysis of Canadian news sources (2009-2019).” The Journal of Communication & Media Studies 2021;6(1):41-45. 

Quinn EK, Harper A, Rydz E, Smith PM, Koehoorn MW, Peters CE. “Men and women at work in Canada, 1991–2016.” Labour & Industry 2021.


Rydz E, Harper A, Leong B, Arrandale VH, Kalia S, Forsman-Phillips L, Holness DL, Tenkate T, Peters CE. “Sun Protection Use at Work and Leisure by Outdoor Workers in Alberta, Canada.” J Occup Environ Med 2020.

Barn P, Keefe AR, Slot N, Jardine KJ, Ziembicki S, Telfer J, Palmer AL, Peters CE. “Canada Should Move Toward Adopting Harmonized Evidence-Based OELs to Consistently and Adequately Protect Workers.” Ann Work Expo Health 2020.

Rydz CE, Larsen K, Peters CE. “Estimating Exposure to Three Commonly Used, Potentially Carcinogenic Pesticides (Chlorolathonil, 2,4-D, and Glyphosate) Among Agricultural Workers in Canada.” Ann Work Expo Health 2020.

Larsen K, Black P, Palmer AL, Sheppard AJ, Jamal S, Plain S, Peters C. “Screening-level assessment of cancer risk associated with ambient air exposure in Aamjiwnaang First Nation.” Int J Environ Health Res 2020:1-12.

Larsen K, Black P, Rydz E, Nicol AM, Peters CE. “Using geographic information systems to estimate potential pesticide exposure at the population level in Canada.” Environ Res 2020;191:110100.

Rydz E, Harper A, Leong B, Arrandale VH, Kalia S, Forsman-Phillips L, Holness DL, Tenkate T, Peters CE. “Solar ultraviolet radiation exposure among outdoor workers in Alberta, Canada.” Environ Res 2020;189:109902.

Palmer AL, Telfer JM, Peters CE, Nicol A. “Identifying Priorities for Communicating a Large Body of Research for Impact.” Scholarly and Research Communication 2020;11(2):1-22.

Ge CB, Kim J, Labrèche F, Song C, Heer E, Arrandal VH, Pahwa M, Peters CE, Demers PA. “Estimating the burden of lung cancer in Canada attributed to occupational radon exposure using a novel exposure assessment method.” Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2020.

Rydz E, Hall AL, Peters CE. “Prevalence and recent trends in exposure to night shift work in Canada.” Ann Work Expo Health 2020;64(3):270-281.


Pahwa M, Labreche F, Kim J, Harris MA, Song C, Peters CE, Arrandale VH, Davies HW, McLeod CB, Demers PA. “The impact of shift work on breast cancer: results from the burden of occupational cancer in Canada study.” Am J Ind Med 2019.

Peters CE, Pasko E, Strahlendorf P, Holness DL, Tenkate T. “Solar ultraviolet radiation exposure among outdoor workers in three Canadian provinces.” Ann Work Expo Health 2019.

Labrèche F, Kim J, Song C, Pahwa M, Ge CB, Arrandale VH, McLeod CB, Peters CE, Lavoué J, Davies HW, Nicol AM, Demers PA. 2019. “The current burden of cancer attributable to occupational exposures in Canada.” Prev Med 2019;122:128-139.

Silva Paulo M, Adam B, Akagwu C, Akparibo I, Al-Rifai RH, Bazrafshan S, Gobba F, Green AC, Ivanov I, Kezic S, Leppink N, Loney T, Modenese A, Pega F, Peters CE, Prüss-Üstün A, Tenkate T, Ujita Y, Wittlich M, John SM. “WHO/ILO work-related burden of disease and injury: Protocol for systematic reviews of occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation and of the effect of occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation on melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.” Environ Int 2019;126:804-815.

Tenkate T, Adam B, Al-Rifai R. Chou BR, Gobba F, Ivanov I, Leppink N, Loney T, Pega F, Peters CE, Prüss-Üstün A, Silva Paulo M, Ujita Y, Wittlich M, Modenese A. “WHO/ILO work-related burden of disease and injury: Protocol for systematic reviews of occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation and of the effect of occupational exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation on cataract.” Environ Int 2019;125:542-553.

Sauvé JF, Davies HW, Parent MÉ, Peters CE, Sylvestre MP, Lavoué J. “Development of Quantitative Estimates of Wood Dust Exposure in a Canadian General Population Job-Exposure Matrix Based on Past Expert Assessments.” Ann Work Expo Health 2019;63(1):22-33.

Rydz E, Arrandale VH, Peters CE. “Population-level estimates of workplace exposure to second hand smoke in Canada.” Can J Public Health 2019;111(1):125-133


Peters CE, Palmer AL, Telfer J, Ge CB, Hall AL, Davies HW, Pahwa M, Demers PA. “Priority setting for occupational cancer prevention.” Saf Health Work 2018;9(2):133-139.

Neathway C, Nicol AM, Ma L. “Experiences with BC First Nations community-based radon testing: Successes and lessons learned”Environ Health Rev 2018; 61(2):28-34.

Kim J, Peters CE, Arrandale VH, Labrèche F, Ge CB, McLeod CB, Song C, Lavoué J, Davies HW, Nicol AM, Pahwa M, Demers PA. “Burden of lung cancer attributable to occupational diesel engine exhaust exposure in Canada.” Occup Environ Med 2018.

Mofidi A, Tompa E, Spencer J, Kalcevich C, Peters CE, Kim J, Song C, Mortazavi SB, Demers PA. “The economic burden of occupational non-melanoma skin cancer due to solar radiation.” J Occup Environ Hyg 2018.


Phipps E, Nicol AM, Giesbrecht D, Cooper K, Baytalan G, Bush K. “Call for action on radon in child care settings.” Environ Health Rev 2017;60(3):77-81.

Hall AL, Demers PA, Astrakianakis G, Ge C, Peters CE. “Estimating national-level exposure to antineoplastic agents in the workplace: CAREX Canada findings and future research needs.” Ann Work Expo Heal 2017;61(6):656-658.

Hon CY, Peters CE, Jardine KJ, Arrandale VA. “Historical occupational isocyanate exposure levels in two Canadian provinces.” J Occup Environ Hyg 2017;14(1):1-8.


Setton E, Veerman B, Erickson A, Deschenes S, Cheasley R, Poplawski P, Demers PA, Keller CP. “Identifying potential exposure reduction priorities using regional rankings based on emissions of known and suspected carcinogens to outdoor air in Canada.”Environ Health 2015;14:69.

Nicol AM, Rideout K, Barn P, Ma L, Kosatsky, T. “Radon: public health professionals can make a difference.” Environ Health Rev 2015;58(1):7-8.

Peters CE, Ge CB, Hall AL, Davies HW, Demers PA. “CAREX Canada: an enhanced model for assessing occupational carcinogen exposure.” Occup Environ Med 2015;72(1):64-71.


Hall AL, Peters CE, Demers PA, Davies HW. “Exposed! Or not? The diminishing record of workplace exposure in Canada.” Can J Public Health 2014;105(3):214-217.

Hystad P, Brauer M, Demers PA, Johnson KC, Setton E, Cervantes-Larios A, Poplawski K, McFarlane A, Whitehead A, Nicol AM. “Geographic variation in radon and associated lung cancer risk in Canada.” Can J Public Health 2014;105(1):4-10.


Hall AL, Davies HW, Demers PA, Nicol AM, Peters CE. “Occupational Exposures to Antineoplastic Drugs and Ionizing Radiation in Canadian Veterinary Settings: Findings From a National Surveillance Project.” Can J Public Health 2013;104(7):460-465.

Labrèche F, Duguay P, Ostiguy C, Boucher A, Roberge B, Peters CE, Demers PA. “Estimating occupational exposure to carcinogens in Quebec.” Am J Ind Med 2013;10:1002.

Setton E, Hystad P, Poplawski K, Cheasley R, Cervantes-Larios A, Keller CP, Demers PA. “Risk-based indicators of Canadians’ exposures to environmental carcinogens.” Environ Health 2013;12(1):15.


Peters CE, Nicol AM, Demers PA. “Prevalence of exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on the job in Canada.” Can J Public Health 2012;103(3):223-226.

Hystad P, Demers PA, Johnson KC, Brook J, van Donkelaar A, Lamsal L, Martin M, Brauer M. “Spatiotemporal air pollution exposure assessment for a Canadian population-based lung cancer case-control study.” Environ Health 2012;11:22.


Hystad P, Setton E, Cervantes A, Poplawski K, Deschenes S, Brauer M, Martin R, van Donkelarr A, Lamsal, L, Jerrett, M, Demers, P. “Creating National Air Pollution Models for Population Exposure Surveillance in Canada.” Environ Health Perspect 2011;119(8):1123-1129.

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The CAREX Canada team offers two regular newsletters: the biannual e-Bulletin summarizing information on upcoming webinars, new publications, and updates to estimates and tools; and the monthly Carcinogens in the News, a digest of media articles, government reports, and academic literature related to the carcinogens we’ve classified as important for surveillance in Canada. Sign up for one or both of these newsletters below.

CAREX Canada

School of Population and Public Health

University of British Columbia
Vancouver Campus
370A - 2206 East Mall
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z3

© 2025 CAREX Canada
Simon Fraser University

As a national organization, our work extends across borders into many Indigenous lands throughout Canada. We gratefully acknowledge that our host institution, the University of British Columbia Point Grey campus, is located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) people.